Cand calculatorul nu merge asa cum ar trebui sau cand ceva ciudat se intampla ne-am dori sa avem un soft magic care sa ne spuna unde exact este problema si ce se intampla. Ei bine asa ceva exista, nu sunt magice sau poate doar la figurat. Unele mai bune altele concentrate doar pe un anumit soft . Acesta Fiind Hiren's BootCD
Pentru a va ajuta si a va arata despre ce e vorba am pregatit si un tutorial :
Acesta este versiunea 90.0 dar puteti da un update pe google si gasiti versiuni mai noi !
Pentru a descarca acest Soft Click aici :
link 1 : Descarca/Download Hiren's BootCD
link 2 : Descarca/Download Hiren's BootCD
Hiren's BootCD /Un Soft Pentru Profesionistii In Computere
noiembrie 17, 2009
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Nokia N96 Best Phone
noiembrie 15, 2009
Nokia N96 este un Smartphone 3G care a avut sansa sa aiba parte de un design spectaculos. Acest model exceleaza atat in ceea ce priveste noile tehnologii cat si in ceea ce priveste aspectul. Tastatura si carcasa sunt create in asa fel incat sa satisfaca nevoile utilizatorilor. Este un telefon foarte usor de manevrat datorita design-ului compact. Memoria interna este de 16 GB, 128 MB RAM & 256 Mb memorie sistem plus slot pentru card de memorie MicroSDTM. Ecranul enorm de tip LCD QVGA, 2.8 inci si rezolutie de 240 x 320 pixeli domina partea frontala a telefonului iar vizualizarea acestuia este posibila atat in pozitie verticala cat si orizontala. Acest telefon are ca principal atuu, camera de 5 megapixeli care beneficiaza de lentile optice Carl Zeiss TessarTM, autofocus, flash LED. Este un lucru stiut ca aceasta camera poate inlocui cu succes o camera digitala deoarece are incorporate toate functiile acesteia: flash, alegerea paletei de culori, setari legate de durata efectuarii capturii. Nokia N96 suporta inregistrare video in format MPEG4 si video playback iar acestea pot fi vizualizate cu usurinta pe ecranul telefonului. Imaginile capturate pot fi memorate, sterse, editate, personalizate si transferate pe alte dispozitive compatibile.Sunt posibile apelurile video datorita camerei frontale de tip VGA si tehnologiei 3G. In plus, cu acest telefon poti sa iti urmaresti posturile TV preferate datorita suportului DVB H live. Un GPS incorporat iti permite sa te localizezi in spatiu facilitand deplasarea asigurandu-ti informatii despre locatia respectiva si imagini din satelit.
Cumpara Nokia N96 de pe Emag!Acestui Smartphone nu i-a scapat nici o tehnologie noua: 3G HSDPA pentru viteza de navigare si descarcarte rapida, EDGE – transfer de date rapid, WLAN & Wi – Fi – conectare intre dispozitive compatibile. Conectivitatea se realizeaza prin USB si Bluetooth®. Nokia N96 functioneaza pe interfata de tip Symbian cu soft S60.
In cazul in care iti achizitionezi acest telefon, te poti bucura de experienta de navigare HTML asemanatoare cu cea de pe PC. Cu acest telefon poti pastra legatura cu prietenii tai prin intermediul mesajelor de tip: SMS, MMS, Email cu suport pentru atasamente de tip SMTP, POP3 & IMAP4.
Intr-adevar este un telefon de tip wow, pentru ca are incorporate toate gadget-urile momentului iar design-ul vorbeste de la sine.
Caracteristici ale telefonului Nokia N96:
- Camera de 5 megapixeli cu lentile optice Carl Zeiss TessarTM, flash dublu LED, auto focus
- Setari camera: Flash, Self Timer, Colour, White Balance & Contrast
- Video Player
- Inregistrare video(MPEG4)
- Setari video: White Balance & Colour Tone
- Camera frontala
- Apel video
- Live TV Broadcast (DVB H)
- Display: 2.8 Inci, 16 milioane de culori, de tip QVGA LCD TFT , rezolutie 240 x 320 Pixeli
- Mesaje: SMS, MMS, Email cu atasamente – SMTP, IMAP4 & POP3, Mesaje Instant, Mesaje Imagine, T9
- Music Player (MP3, AAC, eAAC+ & WMA)
- Radio FM
- Sonerii polifonice sau MP3
- Comanda voce
- Apelare voce
- Jocuri Java
- Organizator: agenda, calendar, notite, ceas, calculator, convertor, apel de tip conferinta
- Push To Talk
- Document Viewer
- Navigare GPS
- Aplicatie Nokia Maps
- Sistem de operare OS Symbian
- Soft S60
- Conectivitate: 3G, HSDPA, Bluetooth® cu A2DP, USB, EDGE, tehnologie WLAN Wi-Fi UpnP
- Retea: Quad Band (GSM 850, GSM 900, GSM 1800 & GSM 1900), WCDMA
- Internet: Nokia Web Browser cu Mini Maps, HTML, alimentare RSS
- Memorie: 16 GB plus slot pentru card de memorie MicroSDTM si 128 Mb RAM & 256 Mb memorie sistem
- Durata baterie convorbire: 3 ore
- Durata baterie standby: 220 ore
- Dimensiuni: 103 x 55 x 18 mm
- Greutate: 125 g
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Cum Sa instalezi Strong Dc++ si Cum sa il setezi
Pentru inceput descarci strong dc++ ! Apoi il instalezi si introduci huburi. Recomand O serie de Huburi din lista de aici : !!!
Pentru a functiona ai nevoie de huburi,dar acesea se introduc dupa instalare
Am pregatit si un tutorial!!!
Sper ca v-a fost de folos!!!
Collection CooL Skins For Winamp All Version
noiembrie 14, 2009
O colectie superba de Skinuri Pentru Winamp All Version ...
Pentru a descarca click aici: Download/Descarca
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O colectie Minunata de Wallpapere with Cars
O colectie Minunata de Backgrond-uri Cu masini Pentru Tine!
*** By Al3x Aero***
Collection 30 Wallpapere Vista
Acest pachet gratuit este oferit sub forma unei arhive ZIP şi conţine 30 de background-uri diferite pentru sistemul D-voastră.
Pentru A Descarca click aici : Download/Descarca
Windows XP cu aspect de Windows Vista
Săptămâna trecută Vista Transformation Pack 4 a mai crescut cu 1 la versiune, devenind Vista Transformation Pack 5. Programul figurează şi la secţiunea noastră de Download, dar dacă doriţi să citiţi în detaliu despre el mergeţi aici.
Personal nu l-am testat (am testat însă cu mai multe luni în urmă FlyakiteOSX, de transformare din Windows XP în Mac OSX, şi am fost foarte mulţumit) dar reacţiile celor care l-au testat (citite pe diverse forumuri sau situri ce îl prezintă ori oferă spre descărcare) sunt entuziaste. Iată alte capturi cu “faţa” de Vista aplicată la XP
Ca în cazul la FlyakiteOSX, transformările merg adânc, de la icoane la ecranul de pornire, de la animaţia ce indică copierea de fişiere la interfaţa unor aplicaţii clasice din Windows. Dacă aţi testat versiunea 5 a pachetului de transformare, împărtăşiţi-ne experienţa prin intermediul comentariilor. Pentru aceasta trebuie să vă înscrieţi ca membru al acestui sit (ia doar câteva minute).
Windows XP Speech Recognition /Windows XP Iti recunoaşte Vocea
Personal computing in the past decade has exceeded our expectations in many ways.
But in a few specific ways, PC technology struggles to fulfill expectations set way back in the 1950s and 1960s.
One example is speech recognition. Forty years ago, scientists predicted the new millennium would see us all going home at night, tucking the kids in, putting the cat out, and speaking aloud to a PC: "Computer, turn out the lights and close the garage doors. Wake me at 7 with my favorite song. Make my coffee. And call my boss by 8 to remind him of our meeting.
"Goodnight computer."
"Goodnight sir."
Sorry. Windows XP can't make your computer do that. However, once your expectations are adjusted for present day reality, you might be impressed with how much you really can do by talking to your computer.
The speech recognition capabilities in Windows XP, especially when combined with Office XP productivity software, can enhance computing in such areas as gaming, data entry, or editing. Further, third-party software vendors are taking the speech recognition capabilities of your PC into new areas, including things like home automation and telephony.
How did we get here?
Microsoft has been working on speech recognition technology as a product for several years. You can learn more about the current state of speech recognition products on the Microsoft .Net Speech Technologies Web site.
At the same time, Microsoft continues to invest in speech recognition research. Groups in Redmond and in China are working to solve some of the shortcomings that still nag speech recognition. One research project, known as the Dr. Who project, aims to solve the problem of noise and allow your computer to recognize your voice if you're not in a quiet office, but outside, in a car, or in a crowded restaurant.
Hooking into Windows XP Speech
So what can you do now?
Tapping into the speech recognition technology within Windows XP can be a little tricky, but after reading this, you'll be a pro.
The magic of speech recognition happens when three pieces come together. First, you need Windows XP Service Pack 1. Next, you'll need the Microsoft Speech Recognition Engine v5.0. Finally, you need an application that's ready to accept your speech input, these include Notepad, Outlook Express, and others in Windows XP.
There is no Speech Recognition Engine (SRE) built directly in to Windows XP. You need to install a compatible engine, and in most cases, you'll install it from one of two sources.
• | The Microsoft SRE for Windows XP is available in Office XP applications, such as Microsoft Word 2002, or Microsoft Excel 2002. If you have Office XP, or one of these programs on your computer, then you probably already have access to the SRE. You simply need to install the SRE as explained below. |
• | A third option is available for advanced users. The SRE is provided for free as part of the Microsoft Speech Software Development Kit 5.1. Microsoft provides no technical support for this software and it is not generally recommended for end users. |
Microphone is the most important component
Before you go any further, we need to take a minute or two to talk about the most important component in your Speech Recognition system: the microphone. You will need to get the right microphone for the job. This isn't very easy.
If you head on over to your local computer store, you'll see lots of headphones with microphones attached to them. Even the packaging says things like "Great for speech recognition." But this is generally not true, for multiple reasons.
First off, the quality of these microphones is questionable, which leads to decreased word recognition. More importantly, none of these microphones is "powered." Why is this important? Because either the microphone, or the sound card's microphone input must be powered or speech recognition won't work. Few sound cards have powered microphone inputs, and almost none of the microphones is powered. So, how do you know if your microphone is powered or not? First, check the package for a "batteries included" or "batteries required" notice. Or, you can get a USB microphone, the best way to go. These are usually powered. They're also Plug and Play, virtually guaranteeing success.
Once you have the microphone and the SRE software, you're ready to get started. In this column, I'll explain how to load the SRE from Microsoft Word in Office XP.
If you are first installing Office XP
1. | Choose the Custom installation type. |
2. | In the Features to Install section, expand Office Shared Features and select Alternative User Input as seen below in Figure 1. |
3. | Click Update, and the SRE will install. |
If you previously installed Office XP, but still need to install the SRE component
1. | Put the Office XP CD-ROM into the drive. |
2. | Click Start, click Control Panel, click Add/Remove Programs, select Microsoft Office XP, and click the Change button. |
3. | Click Add or Remove Features and then click Next. |
4. | This will reveal the installation options dialog show above in Figure 1. |
5. | Expand Alternative User Input, click Speech, and then click Update. |
After you have installed the SRE, you should open Microsoft Word and enable speech recognition.
To enable speech recognition in Microsoft Word
• | On the Tools menu, click Speech as shown in Figure 2 below. |
When you do, you may or may not be prompted for the Office XP media again to finish the loading of the SRE. If you are, Word will load the rest of the SRE.
Once this is finished, you should close Word, and, even though not expressly directed to, you should reboot your machine. When you do, you'll be ready to explore how Windows XP and the SRE integrate.
The steps to install the SRE from the Speech SDK are different than installing it from Office XP. In either case, however, the installation is relatively easy. The steps for training the SRE, configuring Windows XP, and using speech recognition as described below are the same, regardless of the source for your SRE software.
In addition to Microsoft Word, you can use speech recognition in almost any text field in any Windows XP program. You can control Windows Media Player, Internet Explorer 6, dictate into Notepad, or dictate e-mail into Outlook Express.
Training the Speech Recognition Engine
You're now ready to show the SRE who's boss. You do this via a little training of the SRE to make it recognize your personal vocal characteristics.
To train the SRE
• | Click Start, click Control Panel, click Sound, Speech and Audio Devices, and then click the Speech icon. The Speech Properties dialog box will open as shown below. |
ach user of the SRE has his or her own unique profile. Chances are that you have different speech patterns than your sister. Windows XP and the SRE should take note of that fact. Theoretically, you can set up a different profile for everyone in the house, but, for this example, we'll assume you're the only user.
1. | Ensure that your microphone is working by clicking the Configure Microphone button. |
2. | Click the Train Profile button to start the process. The Speech Recognition Training Wizard will open. |
3. | Click Next, and follow the wizard instructions to train the SRE. |
Windows XP and the SRE
Now you're ready to start using speech recognition via a tool in Windows XP called the Language Bar. At this point, you should configure the Language Bar, and other Windows XP speech settings.
To configure the Language Bar and Windows XP Speech Settings
1. | Open Control Panel. |
2. | Click Date, Time, Language, and Regional Options, and then click Regional and Language Options. |
3. | Click the Languages tab. |
4. | Click the Details button. |
The Text Services and Input Languages dialog opens, as seen above.
Clicking the Language Bar button allows you to configure how you want the Language Bar to appear. You can choose from four options such as having it float or having it docked at the toolbar.
You may change the recognition behavior of the SRE by clicking the Speech Recognition entry, then selecting Properties. For more about this, see the speech recognition documentation in Microsoft Word.
To enable the advanced speech recognition in Windows XP
• | Click the Advanced tab, which exposes how Windows XP can interface directly with the SRE as shown below. |
• | Check the box beside Extend support of advanced text services to all programs. |
• | Click OK, then, if required, restart your machine. |
This option allows Windows XP to accept dictation-style input anywhere there is a box that can be filled in with text — including Notepad, Internet Explorer's Address bar, and Outlook Express. However, this does not enable Windows XP to respond to commands for the operating system shell. You cannot use speech recognition to open the Windows XP Start menu, or the Windows XP Help and Support Center, for example. This is known as Voice Command mode, and while Office XP programs have this capability, Windows XP has it only in the Tablet PC Edition of Windows XP.
Now Try Talking to Your PC
To test out your Speech Recognition capabilities, you should run two exercises. First, while running Word XP, locate the Language bar and click the Microphone icon as seen below.
Say "dictate" then say a sentence or two, and see that Word responds and enters in your text. In Word, you can also change the mode of input by saying "voice command." This lets you navigate the menus by saying "menu," or you can open Word Help by saying "help." You can explore a lot of other intuitive voice-command features.
For your second exercise, start Notepad, and on the Language Bar, click the Microphone again and say "dictate." You should be able to dictate into Notepad, which shows that Windows XP is interfacing with the SRE. You're now ready to conquer any text-box and dictate your next e-mail message.
Final Thoughts
Now that solid speech recognition technology is available in Windows XP, I predict that we'll see more third-party programs take advantage of the hooks that Windows XP provides. By setting up speech recognition now, training the SRE, and getting used to the interface, you'll be ready to enjoy it when the next wave of integrated software arrives.
Pentru A descarca click aici : Download/Descarca
Thoosje's Windows 7 sidebar 1.0 the Sidebar for Vista and XP
Fixed - Clock hands didn't save skin.
Fixed - Weather Gadget interaction with
Fixed - Weather Gadget endless loop.
Fixed - Media player Gadget doesn't save position on first load.
Fixed - Clock skin icons loaded double images.
Fixed - Media player gadget song pane x,y position.
All Softwar's In One Pack
Windows 7 Visual Style 3 for Windows XP
Windows 7 Visual Style 3 comes with a clean design with a blue dominating color. Available in Glass and Aero Mode for Taskbar and Titlebar.
Theme Windows Xp
Publicat De
Two Windows Vista/7 Useful Sidebar Gadgets
1. CPU and RAM Meter
With this All CPU Meter you can display your Processor usage (Eight Core, Quad Core, Triple Core or Dual Core) and RAM usage.
2. Shutdown Control Gadget
With this gadget you can shutdown, restart or lock your computer with only one click. Furthermore it shows the time and you can change the design.
Futuristic Drone Winamp Skin
This skin requires Winamp 5.04+ and comes with 300+ Color Schemes. Concept and graphics by 883DESIGN, coding and additional graphics by R. Peter Clark.
- alternate main window mode
- slim main windowshade mode
- skin configuration window
- 7 custom beat visualizers
- ‘Notifier’ with CD cover feature
- more than 300 color themes
Changelog (v 1.1)
- broken scrollbar images with Winamp 5.24 fixed
- improved cover art window
- skinfile size reduced
Publicat De
Programe Utile/Useful software
noiembrie 09, 2009
Programe Utile/Useful software
***Probleme Cu Computerul?***
Acum Nu Veti Mai Avea Probleme Cu PC-ul
Programe Folositoare la Orice Pc !!!
Our avast! Free Antivirus is the minimum protection you should have — it provides great protection against viruses and spyware. But for even better protection against the latest and constantly changing internet threats, upgrade to avast! Internet Security, our best protection.
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Il puteti downloada de aici 9.PowerIso
Il puteti downloada de aici 10.DaemonTools
***(Pentru a Descarca dati click pe Imaginea Programului Dorit!!!)***
Programe Utile
Publicat De
Tuneaza-ti Computerul Cu diferite sckinuri Si Teme
noiembrie 08, 2009
Pentru Inceput descarcati Softul TuneUp Utilities - version 2010 !
Sper ca va folosti acest soft!
Theme Windows Xp
Publicat De
Windows 7 Visual Style 3 for Windows XP
Windows 7 Visual Style 3 comes with a clean design with a blue dominating color. Available in Glass and Aero Mode for Taskbar and Titlebar.
Theme Windows Xp
Publicat De
Concave Visual Style for Windows XP
Concave VS ©2007-2009 `GeorgeHarrison
- This visual style is only compatible with Windows XP (?)
(after reading info, please download the patch tool from here. If you installed service pack 3, here)
- It contains three substyles (Concave Dark , Concave Light and Concave Compound)
- It has compact and full start menus
- Top shellstyle
- Styler Toolbar skins included (you can also download them here)
- Wallpapers included
Multipass Skin v1.4 for Winamp
If the hover drawers are not your thing, try the new “Focus Mode” where the drawers open when you click on Winamp and stay open until you start using another program. Be sure to use Winamp 5.04 which has several important skinning related fixes since 5.03.New Features:
- “Hover Mode” or “Focus Mode” drawers
- Option to lock drawers open
- Short intro animation
- Playlist selection color tweaked
- Added additional tooltips
- Option to unlink shade position
- Supports “Alternate Fonts”
- Option to “SnapAdjust” docked windows
- Fixed several minor bugs
- Few Additional color themes***********************
UPDATED: 1.2- 3 new beat visualizers
- More responsive slider fillbars
- Memory usage optimizations
- Ctrl-click vis for intro replay
- Several bug fixes***********************
Many thanks to all of the breed members (883 especially for his supreme bug finding abilities) and other users that submitted feedback and suggestions!- New CARBON style
- Many new notifier options
- Full Playlist can now dock to any side
- New custom visualization
- New color theme submissions
- Many small bug fixes and tweaks***********************
UPDATED 1.4- Fixed graphical issues that appear in Winamp 5.2x
Publicat De
How to install High Definition Audio Driver if errors persist
I bet that many of you have this annoying problem with the High Definition (HD) Audio Driver.
This problem with HD Audio Driver appears when a error occur when you try to install it.
How to fix this problem? Simple…
Step 1
- Go to Start – Settings – Control Panel.
- For Category View choose: Performance and Maintenance – System
- For Classic View double click: System.
Select Hardware Tab and go to Device Manager.
On the System Devices Rollout you will find Microsoft UAA Bus Driver for High Definition AudioStep 2
Right Click on it and try or to Uninstall or to Disable it.
After this go to Sound, video and game controllers Rollout you will find High Definition Audio.
Right Click on it and try or to Uninstall or to Disable it.
After All is done, you must install your Audio Driver.
If these errors persist find another driver for your Audio Card.
Hope this trick was useful.
Publicat De
Two Speed Up Tips and Tricks for Windows XP
1. Speed Up Menu Display
When using the start menu or menu bar you will notice a delay between different tiers of the menu hierarchy. For the fastest computer experience possible I recommend changing the menu value to zero.
Go to START and type “regedit“ without quotes.
Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop.
Select MenuShowDelay from the list. The initial value should be 400. Change value data to 0 (zero).
Reboot your computer and test how fast will appear your menu.
2. Speed Up Your Bandwidth by 20%
Microsoft reserve 20% of your available bandwidth for their own purposes, such as Windows Updates and interrogating your machine etc.
Go to START and type “gpedit.msc“ without quotes.
Navigate to Local Computer Policy\Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Network\QoS Packet Scheduler.
Select Limit reservable bandwidth and by default is not configured. Select Enabled and set the Bandwidth limit to 0% (zero).
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